
PDFStitcher is written in Python and bundled into executables for Windows and Mac. It does not need to be installed; just download and run.


Download for Windows

PDFStitcher should run on Windows 7 or newer. If your system blocks you from opening it, try adding a security exclusion or following these instructions.

After downloading pdfstitcher.exe, you can put it wherever you want - your desktop, your user folder, a cloud drive, etc. It is a self-contained executable so you just double click to run.

windows desktop icon


Download for Mac (Intel) Download for Mac (M1/M2)

If you’re using a Mac, PDFStitcher will only run on OS X Catalina (10.15) macOS 11 (Big Sur) or newer. The last release to support 10.15 was v0.7.1.

You will likely get a warning that you are trying to open an app from an unidentified developer and you won’t be able to run it right away. Please see this article for instructions on how to override this warning.

After downloading you can double click the .dmg and drag and drop to your Applications folder (or again, it can really run from anywhere you want to put it). This is a new process as of v0.4 - older versions distribute the .app as a zip file.

mac installer dmg


PDFStitcher is available on Flathub.

Download on Flathub


PDFStitcher can also be installed from PyPi for Python 3.6-3.10 with the command:

pip install pdfstitcher

This will install pdfstitcher as a module and a script that can be launched with:



python -m pdfstitcher

Note that this will not work with Python 3.11+ until wxPython is updated.

Finally, you can also download previous releases or the source code from GitHub.
